ნიკოლოზ გობეჯიშვილი
თბილისი, მიცკევიჩის N64
full stack developer
ჩემს შესახებ
I am a junior full stack developer with 2 years of experience in Python and web development. I have a strong command of Python, JavaScript, Django, HTML, CSS, and SQL. I am passionate about building robust and user-friendly web applications. I recently completed the CS50 Python course and received a certificate. I am eager to contribute to dynamic development teams and take on new challenges.
განათლება / სერტიფიკატები
23 მარ. 2023 - 24 მაი. 2023
CS50 Python Course, Certificate of Completion | Year Completed the CS50 Python course, gaining in-depth knowledge of Python programming and problem-solving techniques.
23 აგვ. 2022 - 30 ოქტ. 2022
Front-end developer